Amanda's dreams of power and prophecies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

arkady · 207

Amanda has the potential to draw many many cards, thanks to her capacity, because she can use Eureka!, Perception and Overpower several times in the same turn. It is also quite important that she does, because she needs as much choice as possible when she picks a skill card at the beginning of the investigation phase. The potential is further boosted here by Dream-Enhancing Serum and Laboratory Assistant, and has the advantage of triggering Celaeno Fragments. The idea of this deck is to focus on card-drawing as well as on skill cards with wild pips (Vicious Blow is also there to help the slayer of the group, and Plan of Action in case she draws an enemy and has to evade it; she can still investigate). Amanda decks are not very expensive, considering there are many skill cards, and the only cards in this deck that cost more than 2 are cards very useful, but not at all absolutely necessary, so there is no need for cards like Emergency Cache or even Astounding Revelation, which might parasite your hand.

Let's talk about the structure of a scenario: Ideally, Amanda should use her Deduction and Perception, as well as her Eureka! in the first stage of the scenario, when she doesn't have the cards to trigger Celaeno Fragments anyway, and leave Prophesy for the investigation phase right before the agenda advances, and Promise of Power for the end of the scenario, when a special boost is needed because the climax has been reached, but especially because most skill tests of the scenario have been made, and there is less chance of the curse token being triggered.

Dream Diary and Lucid Dreaming are both obvious choices for upgrades. I know that some don't like the Essence of the Dream Amanda version because it only adds pips and doesn't have any momentum-granting effect like Deduction. But I think the number of pips it provides should not be understimated - I prefer efficiency to be reliable, even if it is not spectacular (which is probably why I don't like Rogue gameplay...).

I've indicated this deck is a multiplayer deck, but for a Seeker deck, it might do well in solo mode. Let me know what you think!


Dec 12, 2020 Sigillite · 1

I love this deck, and practice make perfect is really fun !

Dec 12, 2020 arkady · 207

Thanks! That card really is fun! I've already tried to use it with Mark Harrigan, because his signature skill card is traited practiced, but with Mark, all you want to see is either that card or Vicious blow really, or maybe overpower; Amanda is not only more likely to find a useful card for her test, she will also be able to use that card three times more the next turn!

Dec 12, 2020 Sigillite · 1

try to use it with mandy thompson and select TWO !!! card for the test on the 9 top card of the deck !!! dat's cool to ... and she have acces to mystic or survivor or rogue, and with rogue you have acces to strong combo oO. Practice make perfect is such one of my favorite card in this game !

I like you'r dream thematick, i'm sure dat's a funny theme for luke robison the dreamer ^^

Dec 14, 2020 AbyssalStalker · 1

I could be missing something obvious, but why are 2x Practiced Makes Perfect ignored for deck size?

Dec 14, 2020 arkady · 207

It's a misclick... Actually the Practice makes Perfect should not be ignored for deck size, and the Plan for Action should be removed.