Jacqueline Fine - Investigator Starter Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Jacqueline Fine - Son petit deck de base avec des modificati 1 0 0 1.0
Jacqueline - A Fine Night to Return to the Zealot 0 0 0 1.0

RookMorgan · 1370

This is the official Starter Deck from Fantasy Flight Games. The provided basic weakness is included. The Headers and content are copied directly from the insert of the pack. Links for easier understanding were done by me.

Jacqueline Fine Starter Deck

Jacqueline is an adaptable, combo-heavy mystic who is proficient in manipulating and predicting the outcomes of skill tests. Her ability to briefly peer into the future and select the most desirable outcome can aid her in performing skill tests she would otherwise find troublesome. Alternatively, you can play Jacqueline in a more supportive role. shoring up your teammates' weaknesses and helping them achieve their goals.

Jacqueline's deck contains a full suite of spells for investigation, combat, and evasion. With her high willpower and low combat and ability, you may have to rely on these spells in order to excel. These spells each have repercussions whenever you reveal on of the better chaos tokens (an , "+1," or "0" token), so it may be worthwhile to use your ability to ensure that you can succeed without revealing one of these tokens. Ritual Candles can help you succeed when you draw another symbol instead. Don't forget that you may draw 1 card whenever you choose to cancel Jacqueline's effect! While you normally only have two arcane slots, if you wish to play all three of these spells at the same time, consider calling on the aid of a Familiar Spirit.

While Jacqueline's ability is most often used for skill tests, if can also be leveraged to draw more power from many of her events. for example, if can halp you avoid the drawback of Astral Travel or ensure you gain the bonus effects from Hypnotic Gaze or Voice of Ra. It can even help you get rid of her weakness, Dark Future.

When played in a party of investigators, it is best to stick close to you teammates so you can use your ability and your Scrying Mirror to help them succeed at skill tests.

Upgrading Jacqueline Fine

Many of the upgrades included in this starter deck are direct upgrades to Jacqueline's suite of spells (Azure Flame (3) (5), Clairvoyance (3) (5), Ineffable Truth (3) (5)). This provides a clear starting point for your upgrades, allowing you to specialize in a particular role (combat, investigation, or evasion) or to spread your experience points among all three.

Note that while you can skip the level 3 versions of any of these spells and proceed directly to the level 5 versions, those versions have stronger drawbacks, so it may be wise to first spend some experience on cards to help you avoid these repercussions, such as Eldritch Inspiration (level 1) or Grotesque Statue (level 2). Both of these cards can also help you get the most out of many of your other events, including Hypnotic Gaze (level 2).

If you go all-in on an asset strategy, it may also be worthwhile to pick up the Robes of Endless Night (level 2) so you can play each of these spells without provoking attacks of opportunity, and Recharge (level 4) to get more uses out of each of them. Alternatively, Guts (level 2) and Arcane Studies (level 4) provide Jacqueline with helpful bonuses to her willpower.

In general, mystics tend to be a bit experience-hungry, and Jacueline is no exception. While playing a scenario, always be on the lookout for victory points that can help you get the most out of this starter deck!

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I use Jacqueline's ability along with another similar ability, such as Grotesque Statue or Dark Prophecy?

Jacqueline's ability can be used whenever 1 or more chaos tokens would be revealed, and adds 2 to the number of chaos tokens revealed. For example, if you played Dark Prophecy and then triggered Jacqueline's ability, you would reveal 7 chaos tokens, cancel 2 of them (or 1 ), then resolve the remainder of Dark Prophecy's effect, choosing 1 of the remaining tokens with , , , , or symbol to resolve, and ignoring the rest.

Can I use both Crystal Pendulum and Scrying Mirror during the same skill test? If so, in what order do they resolve?

Yes, you may use both during the same skill test. both abilities have the same triggering condition ("After a skill test at your location begins"), so you may decide which order they resolve in.

If I use Scrying Mirror to reveal chaos tokens before committing cards, reveal a , , , or symbol, then commit Defiance to the skill test, can I still ignore the effects of the symbol?

No. Defiance reads: "Before revealing chaos tokens for this test..." Since you have already revealed chaos tokens for this test by the time Defiance is committed, it is too late to trigger Defiance's ability. However, Defiance (level 2) would work.

Copyright 2020 Fantasy Flight Games.


Aug 28, 2022 RookMorgan · 1370

PLEASE NOTE there is now an updated publish of this deck that included all possible upgrades included in the pack in the new "side deck" feature: arkhamdb.com

Aug 28, 2022 RookMorgan · 1370

Previous Comment Wrong correct link here: arkhamdb.com