"Ashcan" dunwich wars

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Badgerblake · 113

Welcome to the dunwich games! I will be playing the Dunwich Legacy 5 times with 5 diffrent Investigators, one from each class. I will play each scenario with all 5 investigators before moving onto the next scenariocompare how well each investigator does in each one and get a real good feel of each sceanrio. By doing this i can set the scenario up and play it 5 times in one evening.

Scenario 1a - Extracurricular activity. Rounds taken - 9 VPs earned - 2 Reseloution - 2 Pete sailed though this scenario and was very lucky in not failing a single test. Pete decided to ignore the experiment and save the sthe students. In hindsight he should have tried to gather more Vps Spent 2 VPs on newspaper to speed up investigating.

Scenario 1b -The hkuse always wins. Rounds taken - 12 VPS Earned - 3 Reseloution - 4 Similar story for pete to what Jim and zoey had. Had a better idea on what to do this time as it was my 4th playthough so he moved though the club fast gathering clues and getting to the darkned hall. But again ran out of time getting caught by a Conglomeration of spheres and just coukdnt escape fast enough.

Interlude - 1. Armitage was kidnapped, gained 2 bonus Vps, upgraded one copy of lucky and one copy of Peter Sylvester

Scenario 2 - The Miskaronic Museum. Rounds taken - 15 VPs earned - 0 Reseloution - resigned Nice fast start getting the newspaper and fire axe turn one and finiding Adam Lynch. Turn 3 went wrong as failed skill test on Ephemeral Exhibits and losts all 3 actions looking at painingsand then failed crypt chill test and lost fire axe ( had a spare in hand ) Hunting horror quickly taken down first time it enters play giving pete a chance to start searching the Exhibit halls. Locked doors start to cause problems for pete and his basiic weakness Chronophobia followed by his signature weakness slows him down more. Pete struggled with the hunting horror 2nd time because of some bad pulls from the chaos bad but finally killed it but had to make his way out of the museum as he only had two cards left in his deck and Beyound the vail in play. This was a very poor and u lucky run out for Pete.

Scenario 3 - The Essex county Express. Rounds taken - 14 Vps - 1 ResolutionResolution- 1 Final play though of The Essex county Express and another pretty easy victory stopping the train with 2 doom to spare. This time I completely ignored Dark horse and concentrated on getting resources for allys and fire axe. Newspaper was very helpful I gatheing clues. Only 1 vp earned as Pete ran away from a Emergent Monstrosity and left it to fall to its death on the train!