4P Hard TFA Blind Run with Parallel Daisy (Both Sides) - FIN

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

petercheungjr · 1

Just started a TFA run yesterday and finished the Untamed Wilds. Didn't do so well, likely will take our first campaign asset. The rest of the team are (lead) clue events+evade Sefina, FL/LWIF+monster management Silas, fighting+healing Mark and me, 5 will/intel-wanna-be Mists of R'lyeh/Shrivelling Daisy.

In the last campaign I was Lola and I wished I drew Stubborn Detective as a weakness, I didn't. Now that I pick a character with needed an ability to work, I got him. HARD MODE! I have this plan to replace the shrivellings with handcuffs through versatile. Drawing thin will be pretty good with Dreams of an Explorer (if I get them), other useful cards would be elusive/leo/another Tetsuo to tutor for the OP Daisy's Tote Bag?

Posting this to share the deck with my team. Feedback are welcome (especially discussions on the new Daisy), but at this point we don't want spoilers for the rest of TFA and Read or Die. We have only done NotZ (+return to), Dunwich (+return to), PtC, hotel, and Guardians so far. We touched TCU a little but gave up.