Dirty Journalism

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ravnak · 10

Use the mulligan to dig for Burglary, while keeping an eye out for magnifying glass, or Dr. Milan.

The Dynamite blast is entirely swapable, I like it for getting a little combat variety into the mix. It often gets dropped once I get into the higher XP cards.

Higher Education is the first thing the deck wants to buy. Followed by Pathfinder and Acidic Ichor.

From there, its upgrades to magnifying glass, and Deduction, along with cryptic researches once you have spare XP. (They're good, but not better than upgrading several cards). Discs are also a good pickup later, but I'm finding I have much less room for them now. (I used to run them before ichor got released.)

I drop the flashlights first, following with the guts and Dynamite. (Dynamite is much less desirable when you have Plans and Ichor.)

The aim is to be able to do rex's usual powerful clue gathering, but also be able to knock monsters on their ass when they come for you.