House always wins Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Weeredman · 7

Two player with Rex through Dunwich.

This is one of my first decks that worked well for me up to the Essex County express.

I then got the remaining packs of Dunwich and then the Path to Carcosa deluxe. Still need to incorporate those decks into this deck. Any suggestions?


Jan 03, 2020 Veronica212 · 292

You are running 6 allies but don't have Charisma. I'm guessing that even if you never play Armitage and just use him as an Unexpected Courage, you'll still end up with cards in hand you can't play. Likewise with your hand slots: 4 weapons, say 2 Machete and 2 .45 Automatic, should be plenty.

I think your deck would be better without Peter Sylvestre. He doesn't really help what you are doing at all. Soaking horror is nice, but as Zoey, that shouldn't be a huge problem.

Rabbit's Foot is tricky if you are already running Zoey's Cross. Contraband doesn't really work particularly well with any of the cards in your deck? I think you want to put more thought into those 5 off-class slots: they really need to be worth it.

I'd suggest running a lot more skills. Put in Overpower at least, probably Unexpected Courage too. Grab another Lucky!, that's a good card. Consider bringing Drawn to the Flame to get some clues.

I'd keep Dynamite Blast and Dodge in for sure, those cards work well with Zoey. Beat Cop and Guard Dog can totally work together, but grab that Charisma. I thik Smoking Pipe is a good idea, and 1x Liquid Courage is not a bad idea at all, though I wouldn't run a second.

Teamwork is a weird card in a 2 player game. And you might want to run Taunt

I also note that this list doesn't have any XP in it. Was that intentional?

I hope this helps? If you have any questions, please let me know?