Duke's Allies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AbsolutZer0 · 18

Duke has met many allies in his travels, and Pete kind of tags along.

I tried to do something different from everyone's Dark Horse decks. Thing is, I've never really liked relying on card draws, or a 1/15 chance of drawing the card that I need. So, this deck is basically all skill checks and card draws to ready Duke. There's only one of each ally to give some variety in a game. With A Chance Encounter you can get those allies back from your discard pile, so a person can kill them to their hearts content (thematically, I like to think they got knocked out or ran away.)

For an upgrade path I'd probably go with upgrading Rise to the Occasion pretty quick, as the base card is pretty crummy.

Then get Scrapper and Charisma.

I would replace Unexpected Courage with Aquinnah and The Red-Gloved Man (or ideally, two copies of him).

With A Chance Encounter once you draw The Red-Gloved Man it looks like you can keep getting him from your discard pile for 1 resource. And with Resourceful you can get A Chance Encounter out of your discard pile for a neat combo.


Mar 07, 2020 Zinjanthropus · 226

I like this! It's kind of a unique take on Pete.

Mar 11, 2020 AbsolutZer0 · 18

Hey thanks! This is my first constructed deck. It's been doing me well so far with having Lita Chandler in my deck too.