Lola Hayes doesn't care which role she is

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Velensk · 27

Someone asked me about the Lola deck I was playing so I decided to post this here.

The general aim of this deck is to get a character who picks up passive abilities and generally doesn't have to worry overly much about which class they are at any given moment (or at least until crisis of identity is revealed).

Early on in the campaign, the key cards of the deck are dark horse and Leo. Ideally both of them but one of them at least. You'll notice that the overall cost curve of this deck is extremely low and that it runs a lot of skills, this is in large part to support Darkhorse. Skills do their thing without costing resources or actions and thus help with the kinds of efficiency you're looking to have. You can still get the burst of resources you need to get new assets with Emergency Cache or Improvisation but in general you're looking to have Dark horse out and either not pick up resources or have a plan to spend your resources.

You have one method of attacking per role, you should be able to draw into one of them. You will never be great at attacking but you should be able to defend yourself against weaker enemies

Later on, you'll want to pick up Charisma and lose a few skills to make room for allies and other assets which provide passive stat buffs. Peter is a great upgrade both for the improved sanity soak and for the higher willpower which can actually make you a fairly respectable spellcaster. You should still en devour to keep the overall cost of your deck low. Once you have more allies you should also probably drop the fine clothes as you'll have more ways to take damage and the parley bonus is only situationaly useful.