
類人. 警察. 無辜

攻击: 3. 生命值: 3. 躲避: 2.
伤害: 1. 恐惧: –.


強制 – 當敵軍階段結束時:將阿卡姆警官所在地點的1個線索翻到毀滅標記面,並移動到阿卡姆警官上。


Henning Ludvigsen
艾肖希爾酒店謀殺案 #9. 艾肖希爾酒店謀殺案 #9-11.


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How would the forced condition on this card react with Hiking Boots if I am discovering the last clue on a location? Do I get to choose or does this one trigger first?

Edit: sorry, indeed It was about the agenda 2 interaction with hiking boots. Thanos!

Gsayer · 1
The forced effect is discovering clues, only moving them. — Therealestize · 69
*isn't, the forced effect isn't discovering clue.damn phone. — Therealestize · 69
Are you perhaps referring to the Forced effect on Agenda 2 that makes the police attack you for discovering clues ? Either way, there is a rule that states that Forced effects happen before optional reactions if they have the same trigger timing (ie "after discovering...) — DrOGM · 24