We don't talk how ridiculously good this card would work in the Dream eaters cycle. You have two swarming (3) enemies at a location? How about dealing 6 damages and drawing 6 cards for 1 resource and without action? Such situation isn't so hard to imagine after all. I won't even talk about the action compresion.And the more players, the more powerful this card can be. This should be considered as warcrime against the dream-people.
费用: 1. XP: 3.

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I've been playing through Edge as Mark with this on my Stick to the Plan while having Flamethrower as my big weapon. In that context I think the card is fairly good, being able to get a free engage so you can hit all your targets with Flamethrower is pretty nice, the card draw is cool too, and the extra damage gives absurd burst damage especially when combined with stuff like Beat Cop and either Vicious Blow. This is in a 4 player group with me being the main player tasked with creature control, so this is definitely a situation where that level of firepower can be sometimes needed. In this specific scenario it's fairly good, and since I got Stick to the Plan it both doesn't eat up a draw and delay my core assets like weapons and allies, while also being easily accessible whenever the situation where it's needed comes up.
If you aren't running Stick to the Plan and Flamethrower in a 4 player game where you're the big person expected to deal with all the enemies though, I'm not sure if this really cuts it outside of maybe a Nathaniel deck because he gets extra value out of the damage it deals. Most weapons work just fine if enemies are engaged with allies and if you're good at your job the risk of misfiring and harming an ally is fairly minimal to the point where I don't think it's worth spending a card on it, the xp extras are kinda nice but realistically I feel like you need to hit at least 2 enemies with it while also really needing the engage part of it to be useful too. That sort of situation won't be coming up regularly, and until then you spent 3 xp on a card that is just sitting in your hand not doing much. I feel like a lot of the time you'd just cash this card in quickly just to get something you need more immediately instead of waiting for the potential big value play which might never end up presenting itself. With this card on Stick to the Plan, you can wait for when you really need it because it's not taking up hand space or eating up a draw, and Flamethrower obviously cares a lot about being engaged with enemies rather than being able to hit them off your allies.
How would others interpret this card working with Nathaniel Cho's special ability: "When you deal damage to an enemy by an event or a fight ability on an event: Deal 1 additional damage. (Limit once per phase.)"
Only ONE of the engaged monsters will take an extra damage from Cho? Or ALL of the engaged monsters will?