


顯現 - 檢定(5)。如果你失敗,從你遊戲區域和/或手牌中選擇並丟棄總計打印資源費用至少為X的卡牌,其中X等於你失敗且低於難度的點數。

Marius Bota
重返萬象無終 #72. 冷冽迷霧 #1-2.


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This card is nasty. It's an obvious substitute for crypt chill, but is so much worse.

With crypt chill, you can plan ahead and have a sacrificable asset queued on case you draw it.

Not so here. Being an agility check it's going to be hard enough to pass this, but once you fail you're going to have to discard a high cost asset. And if you only have 0 cost assets up, you're going to lose all of them.

This card is so bad it must be cancelled. Luckily, almost every class has access to some type of cancelation or another. But yea. This is an awful draw and one of the many reasons why return to Circle is so punishing.

drjones87 · 193
I may be misreading this, but it definitely refers to your hand, which means that events with high resource costs can also contribute. This makes this card a little bit better than you're making it out to be. — DjMiniboss · 44
Yeah. Your spare Leo De Luca gets rid of it — MrGoldbee · 1468
This will pretty often just be 'discard two cards from hand'. — Death by Chocolate · 1473