


- 在找出遭遇組的卡牌時,還需要為《重返命運之線》找出幾個新的遭遇組,如下所示:

- 將維達·希斯理故事支援放在一邊,位於場外。


重返失落的時代 #28. 重返命運之線 #1.

重返命運之線 - 背面


- 本遭遇組包含第四套"g/h"場景牌堆。按以下內容,調整"g/h"場景牌堆內的卡牌:調查員必須作出決定選擇(以下一項):





(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Erratum: Add the following bullet point to the resolution of this scenario:

    • If the Harbinger of Valusia entered play during this scenario: 1) If it is in the victory display, cross out "the Harbinger is still alive" in your Campaign Log. 2) If it is still in play or is set aside, next to "the Harbinger is still alive" in your Campaign Log, record in parentheses how much damage is on the Harbinger of Valusia, replacing the number that was previously in parentheses." - FAQ, v.1.8, October 2020
  • Q: While playing a “Return to” scenario, what do I do if a campaign guide instruction or card ability refers to a card from an encounter set that has been replaced with a new encounter set? A: If it is a setup instruction or an instruction to search for that card and put it into play, the investigators should find the matching card from the new encounter set that replaced it and follow the instructions using that card, instead. (If it is unclear which is the matching card, use the encounter numbers to help guide you. For example, Wizard of the Order is card 4/6 of the Dark Cult set; if that set was replaced, the matching card would be card 4/6 of the new set.) If it is a gameplay effect other than the above, ignore it. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022

Last updated


I didn't think it could happen; they took a very solid scenario, one that is very fun and has a lot of replayability, and made it ven better. The addition of a 4th act deck requires a bit more text than most "Return to..." scenarios, and you need to hang onto your insert (or the PDF which is finally up at FFG) for set up and resolution information, but this scenario revision ups the pace, adds bothersome new enemies and treacheries, and generally makes a good scenario that much better. This is what I wish all "Return to..." scenarios were like.