

類人. 僕從

攻击: 1. 生命值: 3. 躲避: 3.
伤害: –. 恐惧: 1.

生成 - 樓座。


強制 - 在你擊敗伯爵夫人後:將她放入你的手牌,作為一張隱私卡。伯爵夫人在你手牌中時,她獲得:"檢查手牌上限時,伯爵夫人改為記作4張,而不是1張。強制 - 補給階段期間,在你丟棄至少1張手牌後:受到1點恐懼。"

Jacob Atienza
重返卡爾克薩之路 #20. 重返謝幕 #7.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: When La Comtesse is defeated and added to the player's hand: (1) Is the card considered an enemy? (2) If it is an enemy, does that enemy engaged with the player? Will it attack the player during the enemy phase? (3) How does La Comtesse interact with Bury Them Deep? A: The “Hidden” keyword received a small update in later campaigns (such as The Dream-Eaters) that should help clarify these interactions. When a hidden enemy is in your hand, it is not considered to be engaged with you or in your threat area, and does not attack during the enemy phase; only its constant abilities are active and only you can trigger any abilities on it. La Comtesse’s Forced ability takes precedence over Bury them Deep; she will enter your hand and Bury them Deep won’t be able to add her to the victory display. (March 2024)
Last updated


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