


- 在找出遭遇組的卡牌時,還需要為《重返百賭百勝》找出幾個新遭遇組,如下所示。


重返敦威治遺產 #15. 重返百賭百勝 #1.

重返百賭百勝 - __Back


- 將俱樂部舞臺放在一邊,位於場外。

- 從2個俱樂部大廳地點中隨機選擇一個地點。將所選地點與其他起始地點一同放置入場。將另一個版本的俱樂部大廳地點移出遊戲。



(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: While playing a “Return to” scenario, what do I do if a campaign guide instruction or card ability refers to a card from an encounter set that has been replaced with a new encounter set? A: If it is a setup instruction or an instruction to search for that card and put it into play, the investigators should find the matching card from the new encounter set that replaced it and follow the instructions using that card, instead. (If it is unclear which is the matching card, use the encounter numbers to help guide you. For example, Wizard of the Order is card 4/6 of the Dark Cult set; if that set was replaced, the matching card would be card 4/6 of the new set.) If it is a gameplay effect other than the above, ignore it. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Last updated


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