
怪物. 幻靈. 修格斯

攻击: 5. 生命值: 5. 躲避: 4.
伤害: 2. 恐惧: 2.

生成 – 最近的未被摧毀的迷霧高塔(如場上沒有,則為你所在地點)。未封印的幻影處於準備狀態且位於迷霧高塔時,不能對該迷霧高塔造成傷害。

強制 – 當敵軍階段結束時,如果未封印的幻影處於準備狀態:將其朝最近的未被摧毀的迷霧高塔移動一次。

胜利 1.
Pavel Kolomeyets
闇與地球之界劇本擴充 #180. 深處激盪 #24-25.


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I'm not really sure where to put this but I think there's a transcription error in this card's stats here. It should be 5 fight, and 4 evade, not 4 fight and 5 evade. That isn't really a review tho, so I'll add a comment on the card itself. It's a big beefy enemy with a somewhat annoying effect but if you've got this far then someone in your team should really be able to handle big beefy enemies and it does at least stay dead once you defeat it- which is more than you can say for some campaign finale specific big beefy enemies. So it does have that going for it.

bee123 · 31
I have fixed it just now, but it will likely take a few weeks till the update. You can follow the link to GitHub near the bottom of the page and report issues there, too, if something like that comes to your notice. — Susumu · 368
It's been updated now. Thanks again for the report. — Susumu · 368