


顯現 - 疊加到你控制的印刷費用最高的非永久且非弱點的支援卡。否則,現實之線獲得湧動。



Dual Brush Studios
食夢者 #100. 現實融合 #5-6.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • "As If": This was added to the FAQ (v.1.7, March 2020) and then amended (v.1.8, October 2020). You can read the October ruling on the ArkhamDB rules page here. (I'm adding a hyperlink rather than retyping the rules in case in future the ruling is changed or amended - at that point, the rules page will be updated and all ArkhamDB FAQ entries will link to the correct ruling.)

  • Q: If an effect refers to the "highest-cost card" in some game area, and that area contains solely costless cards (such as skill cards, or permanents), can one of those cards be the highest-cost card? Or does their lack of cost prevent them from being the highest-cost card? A: No; a card with no cost cannot be targeted as the “highest-cost card” in a game area.

Last updated


Clarification from FFG regarding activating encounter cards from other players:

Question: An encounter card attached to a player card is not considered to be in your threat area, but can it still be activated by another player? I.e. is an encounter card attached to a player card considered to be "a scenario card that is in play at the same location as the investigator"? (Rules Reference "Activate Action" p. 4)

Answer: Yes! It may not be in your threat area, but it is still a treachery at the same location, and therefore may be triggered by any investigator at that location.

Jeko · 14
So who discards the "asset you control"? Is it the player who controls Threads of Reality or the one triggering the ability? — Nenananas · 258
The investigator triggering the ability discards an asset he/she controls. — Jeko · 14
@Nenananas I recommend reviewing the FAQ expanded definition of 'you/your' as it lays out how to interpret 'you' based on game context. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Hello! Can you share and forward the official ruling email (including questions and answers) you received to drawntotheflamepodcast@gmail.com? This is the mailbox of Frank, the official FAQ maintainer, and he will update the verdict you received into ArkhamDB! — Jacksonsu · 1