
古代. 洞穴. 幽嘶

隐藏: 4. 线索: 0

強制 - 在你位於岌岌可危的懸崖並試圖探索時:檢定(4)。如果你失敗,檢定(3)。如果你失敗,檢定(2)。如果你失敗,你墜入深淵,陣亡。(如果你通過以上任一檢定,你正常探索。)

Michele Frigo
幽嘶深淵 #289. 幽嘶深淵 #13.


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This review will probably never be seen by anyone, but in case it does, I want to point out how much this card is an example of why I love this game:

  • Test to not be afraid.
  • If you are afraid, test to not trip.
  • If you tripped, test to hold on and climb back up.
  • If you fail all 3 tests, you fall into the infinite depths... of Yoth.

It's just such a great way to blend gameplay and storytelling while also creating great tension (the is always around the corner).

Valentin1331 · 61190
I see the Willpower test more as the will not to look down — Nenananas · 250
I gotta say, this location is a serious auto-fail magnet — Zinjanthropus · 225