詭計. 弱點

瘋狂. 悖論


顯現 - 將你所有手牌洗入你的牌堆,再抽取相同數量的卡牌。將離體體驗洗入你的牌堆。

H. P. 洛夫克拉夫特,《超越時間之影》
Rafał Hrynkiewicz
天機之城 #264. 天機之城 #41-44.


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It doesn't seems like much but it can be a horrible weakness capable of wasting dozens of card draw on deck w/ 1 by 1 draw.

PS : can someone say if the weakness is intended to be put in the encounter deck in 'the city of archives' setup ?

Tof · 1
I agree with your review that this can be rough. It steals a lot of draws. No, you don’t put this in the encounter deck for City of Archives. — Holy Outlaw · 268