
怪物. 蛇族

攻击: 4. 生命值: 4. 躲避: 4.
伤害: 2. 恐惧: –.

獵物 - 距離昆揚之口最近的調查員。


強制 - 在1個石柱標記被放置在昆揚之口上後:將1張蛇怪洗入遭遇牌堆。(每輪最多一次。)


复仇 2.
Marissa Rivera
久遠腹地 #220. 審判之柱 #9-10.


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If you are confused by the text "Shuffle one copy of Basilisk into the encounter deck." This simply means that if there are 2 or more Basilisks in play, you only shuffle one of them back into the encounter deck.

poeticmatter · 65
To be more precise I would say that, "if there are 1 or more Basilisks in play, you only shuffle one of them back into the encounter deck". — FractalMind · 44
Me and my friend just encountered this creature today when we were playing and came up against a question: Does the Basilisk's forced effect trigger if it is in the Victory display?? We couldn't find a clear answer to that, so we proceeded assuming it does, seeing that this way it fits better mechanically and thematically. Anyway, I'd like to see some opinions here... — matt88 · 3178
@matt88 Sorry, but you have to leave the Basilisks in the display. Forced Abilities - like all Abilities in AHCG “Card abilities only interact with the game if the card bearing the ability is in play, unless the ability (or rules for the cardtype) specifically references its use from an out-of-play area.” The Victory Display is an out-of-play zone. Likewise, if a basilisk wound up in the discard pile, this effect wouldn’t shuffle it back into the deck. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
@Death by Chocolate Thanks for the feedback. We ended up playing this scenario a second time, in which we didn't happen to remove the Basilisk from the Victory display, so it didn't matter there. But we 'll keep that in mind for the future. — matt88 · 3178