場景. Stage 2

线索: –

目標 - 在將要丟棄蒼白面具下的男子時,推進場景。

JB Casacop
卡爾克薩之路 #47. 謝幕 #7.

哈利湖濱 - 背面




在每個私密地點放置1點恐懼。冒險結束前,地點上的恐懼代表洪水,每個帶有恐懼的地點獲得:"強制 - 在你將要離開本地點時:檢定(2)。如果你失敗,受到1點傷害並取消此次移動的效果。(每輪限制一次。)"




(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: How does this Forced effect work? Is the limit for taking the test or something else? A: The Forced ability is what has a limit of once per round. The first time you try to leave the location you will trigger the ability and be forced to test agility, taking 1 damage if you fail. After that, regardless of whether you succeeded or failed, the Forced ability cannot be triggered again (by you) for the remainder of the round, so you are free to move again without having to perform the test. That said, there are two things to note about this ability: 1) The Shores of Hali states that each location with a horror token gains that Forced ability. That means that the limit once per round applies once to each of those locations, not once to all of the locations as a whole. (Basically, imagine that each of those locations actually has the ability written on it.) So, if you attempt to move from one location with horror on it, you’ll trigger the ability and be forced to test agility. Then once moved to another location with horror on it and attempting to move again, you’ll trigger the ability on the new location and be forced to make the test again. 2) Limit once per round is player-specific, so another investigator will trigger the ability even if you have already triggered it this round.
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