


顯現 - 如果場上沒有未交戰的罪犯敵人,緊追不捨獲得湧動關鍵詞。如果場上至少有一名未交戰的罪犯敵人,這些敵人向你移動一次。所有由於這個效果而與你交戰的罪犯敵人,立刻攻擊你。

Jeff Lee Johnson
敦威治遺產 #99. 娜奧米的打手 #5-6.


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If there are unengaged Criminal enemies in play and they do move to the location of the player who drew the card, do all criminal enemies engage the player who drew the card or can you distribute the enemies between players if there are more of them at the location of the player who drew the card (if the enemies do not have the Prey keyword)?

jurcccy · 2
If there is another investigator at your location when you draw this, and they don't have a prey wording that would force them to only engage you, you can have every single enemy engage the other investigator. This card does not force the enemies who moved to engage you specifically. So, yes. — SGPrometheus · 821
@SGPrometheus : I think you are wrong. The card say "you" twice. So all enemies engage and attack the investigator who drew the card. — Therion · 1