


顯現 - 如果場上沒有異形敵人,變異野獸獲得湧動關鍵詞。否則,選擇一名異形敵人。治癒該敵人所有傷害,並將變異野獸疊加到該敵人。

強制 - 在你進入疊加敵人所在地點時(反之亦然):受到1點恐懼。

Chun Lo
敦威治遺產 #96. 獸之奴僕 #5-6.


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Does this card contain a typo? It isn't clear if you are supposed to attach this card to the abomination or not. We went ahead and attached it, assuming it was a typo.

SaraNoH92 · 2
for others benefit it says "attached" with a D, took me three reads to realise where the typo was. — Zerogrim · 294
I know, the English version is the relevant reference for everything, but still want to point out, the German version has not this kind of typo, and it reads the way, it's obviously suposed to be read in the original version as well. — Susumu · 368